Umfjöllun um Evrópumót kvenna í keilu 2012


Fimmtudaginn 5. júlí verður þáttur sýndur þáttur á Eurosport 2 um hápunkta Evrópumóts kvenna í keilu sem fram fór í Tilburg í Hollandi í júní s.l. Útsendingin verður kl. 22:30 CET.

Sjá tilkynningu frá BOWLINGCAT

„It is our pleasure to inform you that the European Women Championships, held on last 16th June in Tilburg (The Netherlands), which has been edited into a 52“ Highlight Program will be broadcast on the next 5th of July at 22:30HS CET through Eurosport 2, the major Sports devoted channel with coverage through all Europe.

Herein there are some clips of the edition work of the European Women Championships:


Such broadcast can be followed worldwide also through Internet at and

Further the same 52” Highlights Programme, will be also broadcast through the Channel Esport 3, the National Catalan Sports devoted Channel on the same 5th of July, 2012,

We strongly recommend you All Bowlers to follow that TV broadcast whilst other TV productions & broadcast will come over this Season. New broadcast dates will be updated in its due date. „

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